Community activist giving tour of hazardous site.
格雷琴高盛/ UCS


Bringing science and scientists into partnership with communities working to achieve environmental 健康 和安全 for all.

Bringing science and scientists into partnership with communities working to achieve environmental 健康 和安全 for all.


黑色的, 土著, 和有色人种(BIPOC), 农村, and 低收入 communities are on the frontlines of our public 健康 和安全 and environmental crises, living among acute and often cumulative pollution and 健康 hazards. This is the result of years of exclusionary 实践 in science, 政策的制定, 住房, 卫生保健, 还有经济. 白人至上, 阶级歧视, 性别歧视, 我们机构中的精英主义导致了真正的, 实实在在的不公平现象.

This injustice takes many forms—including redlining, 剥夺选民选举权和不公正地划分选区, 公共项目中的歧视, 不同的受教育机会, 就业, 还有医疗保健, and the way our scientific institutions define what is, 又有谁, 有效的617888九五至尊娱乐知识. All these burdens have combined to create the conditions we see today, where injustices accumulate upon the communities most excluded from the political process.

Achieving environmental justice is about both the process and the outcomes. The process must be accessible and inclusive of all voices. The outcomes must focus on prioritizing those most impacted until environment, 安全, and 健康 are evenly experienced across all sociodemographic identities.

Toward these ends, we work in solidarity and partnership with those on the frontlines. 我们带来了我们的资源——公众参与, 617888九五至尊娱乐和技术专长, policy advocacy—to disrupt the status quo that excludes and burdens, 并提倡全面, systemic solutions that reflect the needs and priorities of affected communities.


  1. 自己加油 在包容性原则中, 尊重, 和正义, seeking guidance and leadership from impacted communities, and approaching our work together in solidarity and mutuality. Uplifting the voices, work, and solutions of the grassroots activists and their scientist partners.

  2. 合作 with frontline grassroots community members and groups, 和他们一起517888九五至尊娱乐617888九五至尊娱乐家, to research and advocate for systemic changes to our democratic 流程 and public safeguards.

  3. 建筑 617888九五至尊娱乐界——617888九五至尊娱乐家, 技术和公共卫生专家, 617888九五至尊娱乐倡导者——检验他们的力量, 特权, and biases to break down the ways in which our institutions, 实践, and policies have been exclusive and marginalizing, 然后转换到不同的地方, 流程, 以及解决方案, 隆起, 支持受影响的社区.

  4. 提倡 at multiple levels of government for comprehensive solutions to environmental, 健康, 和安全, and the systems and policies that disproportionately exclude and harm communities of color, 低收入, 土著, 农村社区.
